How it works?

Step 1: Explore the Chefem App to find a Chef by cuisine and city.

Step 2: Take a look at their profile to discover your ideal match!

Step 3: Use the “Contact Me” button to start a conversation.

Step 4: Collaborate through messages to finalize schedule, price, and menu—it’s that easy!

Step 5: You can buy your own ingredients (we totally recommend it) or ask the Chef to pick them up for an extra fee.

Step 6: Your Chef will arrive on schedule, ready to cook in your home!

Step 7: Enjoy watching as they create delicious dishes just for you.

Step 8: They can either plate or pack everything nicely based on what you agreed upon.

Step 9: The Chef will clean up any pots and pans used—leaving no mess behind!

Step 10: Make payment as discussed and don’t forget to show some appreciation for your fantastic Chef!

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